Roommates Situations: For Better or For Worse

well-perfect-roommates-college-ecard-someecardsSometimes you love them, and sometimes you hate them, but when in college, roommates are usually an inevitable part of your life.

There are many different types of roommate situations, some being great and some being the exact opposite. As college students, we are now adults and have to deal with these people in our own ways, and by that, there are many different paths to go by. If you are lucky, like me, you will have a pretty good rooming situation, and choose wisely who you will be sharing a room with. Sometimes the person you thought you knew, is not the same when you are actually living with them. Thankfully, there are ways to living a great life, while sharing a room with someone else…Especially according you your Residence Life department.

There are a few tips in how keep good grounds, all the way from the start.

1. Make a set of ground rules the first couple of weeks into school. If you are sharing things such as a television or fridge, tell your roommate what can be shared, and what cannot, because sometimes, just sharing a few things can lead into a whole lot more. Also, if your roommate has a significant other, tell them how you feel, right off the bat, about having that person in the room, and the times you need your room to be…Well, yours. You cannot expect your roommate to know all of these things, so be clear and stay happy.

2. Address things while they are small, not when you are about to explode. If your roommate likes to eat all of your food and not replace it, tell them the first or second time they do this. If your roommate has friends in your room while you are trying to study, roommaterespectively tell them to leave. If your roommate hits the snooze button 10 times at 7:30 in the morning, and you do not have class until 1 p.m., tell them to stop. You need to have a voice, because it is your room as well. Don’t be afraid to tell your roommate your pet peeves, because honestly, they probably have some of their own.

3. Be open to change, because change is good! If you and your roommate do not have the same group of friends, be open to meeting new people and that goes the same for your roommate. It can bring you closer, if you are not close already, and show them that you want to be apart of each others lives. Change can also go along with mixing up the style of the room, and compromising what looks best. College is all about being open-minded, so it all starts where you live.

4.If you and your roommate are not friends to begin with, be friendly, but don’t expect an outside relationship more than just plain roommates. Always smile, and say hi outside of the dorm, but for the most part, you cannot always be the best of friends. It happens sometimes, and if you go in expecting only that, it will be hard to deal with. Be friendly, but also form a social life with other people outside of the residence hall, making it easier for the both of you.

5. Lastly, stick to the golden rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated. If the person you are sharing a room with and you do not get along, don’t result to fighting or being rude, just treat them with goldenrespect, and move on with your life. If you treat your dorm room how I treat mine, which is occasionally hanging out during the day, and the place where you sleep, there should be no problem in the living situation. If you are the type of person who loves being in your room, just keep to yourself and carry on with your day. This tip should work if all else fails.

There may be some issues that you and your roommate have to deal with, and sometimes time is key. When living together, it might take some time to deal with the little detail, and later the big details.

There are many different types of roommates, so figuring out which one you have is crucial. You do not want to be stuck with a party animal when all you want to do is study. Finding someone with the same or similar priorities is crucial when living with someone else.

If the person you are rooming with and you get along perfectly fine, consider yourself lucky. Think about how to bond with that person and make your friendship stronger, so you do not have to deal with petty fights down the road. If you communicate and have good chemistry with your roomie, try to keep things as is, but do not over do it. You want to have your own friends, along with the friendship you are forming with your roommate.

For upperclassmen, this is easy. You know who you want to live with, and hopefully have chosen the person you are sharing a room with. Even so, feeling out living with a specific person can be crucial to success. Just because you are friends with that person, does not mean you know there habits, flaws, and way of life.

All together, living with a roommate can be ideal, in the middle, or a complete and utter mess. Being understanding and learning more about person you are living with will bring success to the living situation and hopefully succumb any problems or stress you are having. So don’t forget to remember ( and tell your roommate) to Keep Calm and College On.

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